DFMA offers manufacturers several benefits including lower costs for raw materials, labor, and rework, as well as higher quality products. Here is a look at DFMA workflow and what to look for and address in designs regardless of the final product such as tolerances and the availability of new technologies.
Scott Baxter
Marketing & Business Development Manager
Peko Precision Products Inc.
Scott is a marketing and Business Development Manager at Peko Precision Products Inc., a full-service contract manufacturer. He earned bachelor’s degrees in manufacturing engineering and economics, which give him a unique perspective on the machine-manufacturing industry. Recently, he has focused on the need for DFMA in designing and building machinery and support equipment He has. worked with a host of DFMA and that has given him the well-earned background to speak to audiences of machine designers about their cost-down design struggles and how DFMA can be critical.
Mark Frosino
Project Manager/Mechnical Engineer
Peko Precision Products Inc.
Mark Frosino has served several roles over the past two decades in the New Products Introduction (NPI) Group at Peko Precision Products Inc., a full-service contract manufacturer. Those roles include mechanical engineer, project manager, quote and proposal development, and overseeing the NPI Project Managers. Currently. primary focus is on the early-stage engagement of new customers to ensure Peko supports the development and growth of their products and processes. One of this tasks is supporting and growing DFMA so that it can used by Peko and it customers to design consistent, repeatable machinery and support equipment.