Building a Foundation for Security in Hardware 

With the rising value of data and computing hardware itself, the threats from adversaries are greater than ever.

With the rising value of data and computing hardware itself, the threats from adversaries are greater than ever. As such, a security strategy for applications and devices needs to begin at the hardware level. Rambus security expert, Bart Stevens will discuss how a hardware root of trust can be the foundation for security through defense in depth, partitioning of secure operations, and state-of-the-art protections from side channel attacks. 

About the Presenter

Marcel Van Loon,
Security Solutions Architect

Marcel Van Loon is Security Solutions Architect with Rambus. He graduated from Eindhoven University of Technology and has worked with a number of companies in the security industry including NXP, Verimatrix, Irdeto and Securealink. 

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 10 Lessons